
Good News Page — Dial a Ride Shopping and Pharmacy Runs

During the C19 crisis our usual Dial a Ride service has been adapted to provide shopping services for the clients who now can’t go out to do their own shopping. The drivers take shopping lists to local supermarkets, pick up the items and then deliver them back to the doorsteps of the clients.

This had been a steep learning curve for some of our drivers! Some of the text messages for help whilst they are in the supermarket reflect just who does the shopping normally!

“What’s Steradent?” “What is Actimel and where is it?” are a couple of examples and one of our drivers texted
” I’ve spent years avoiding this, now look at me”

They have also been involved in delivering items to the foodbank in Aldershot, local hostels and also are a key element in the Pharmacy Delivery Service.